Your Input Matters! AZ Cities @ Work Budget Video

Every year by mid-July, each of our Arizona cities and towns are required by law to adopt a balanced budget that is open to citizen input and participation.

Every resident can have a voice in deciding what the budget will be spent on and how it will be paid for in the months before it is adopted.

To help ensure your city or town residents understand the budget process and to foster increased resident participation, AZ Cities @ Work once again presents Your Input Matters!, a short and fun video primer on the city and town budget process, demonstrating why it is important for residents to get involved.

Put a link to this video on your city or town website or in your electronic newsletters, share it via your social media accounts, or play it on your public access channels and at community meetings.

Click here to see the video.

For questions regarding AZ Cities @ Work or using the video in your city or town, please contact Samantha Womer at or 602-258-5786.

League of Arizona Cities and Towns
1820 W. Washington St.
Phoenix, AZ  85007
Phone: 602-258-5786
Fax: 602-253-3874

If you have ideas for this newsletter or encounter difficulty reading this email,
please contact Samantha Womer at with your concerns.