League 2014 Service Awards
In preparation for the 2014 League Service Award Program at the Annual Conference in Phoenix, we are asking cities and towns to complete the 2014 League Service Award form. The lengths
of service that qualify for recognition are: 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24 years, and every four-year increment thereafter. Service
may be consecutive or cumulative.
*Please note: the elected official must have reached the required level of service by August 20, 2014.
If neither the mayor nor any council members are eligible for an award this year, please leave the "Number of Years" entry blank and fill in the appropriate information at the bottom of the
sheet. Please send the completed form to Anne Biegel at abiegel@azleague.org or fax at (602) 253-3874.
To see a list of who will be receiving service awards at the 2014 Conference, click here.
If you, or a member of your council, will be eligible for a service award at the 2014 conference but do not see your name on the list, please fill out the form by clicking here. |
League of Arizona Cities and Towns
1820 W. Washington St.
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Phone: 602-258-5786
Fax: 602-253-3874