A Message from League President Doug Von Gausig regarding The Arizona We Want and AZ Advocates
The League officers recently met with Dr. Lattie Coor, chairman and CEO of the Center for the Future of Arizona. Since the release of The Arizona We Want
2.0 report last year, he has moved forward rapidly with the Institute's Board of Advisors to launch a new initiative called AZ Advocates. Briefly, AZ
Advocates is a network of partner organizations that are committed to making the eight goals identified by the Gallup Arizona Poll a key part of the public
discussion that drives the 2014 election.
The overall effort is being organized around a group of lead organizations that have agreed to champion one of the citizen goals, activate a coalition of partner
organizations that are equally committed to working across sectors, develop and execute an action plan, and identify the performance indicators that will be used to
measure success.
Lattie and the Institute have asked the League and Arizona's mayors to become lead partners that work with the Institute across the eight goals that make up the citizens'
agenda, helping connect and leverage efforts in each of our communities. One key finding of the 2.0 report is the fact that Arizonans believe the strength of the state
rests in local communities. The programs, services and activities that we offer help provide the connective tissue that joins citizens to government and to one another.
In short, Lattie believes the mayors of Arizona can play a catalytic role this year in helping to more fully engage citizens in the civic life of our communities.
League Vice President Mark Mitchell, Treasurer Jay Tibshreny and I would like to ask you to join us in leading the mayor's participation in the AZ Advocates program. The
Arizona We Want 2.0 agenda is grounded in solid data that can help all of us better understand what citizens want, how Arizona cities and towns are addressing their goals
and how we can focus our efforts even more by working more closely with local organizations and citizen leaders. You can find more information about the AZ Advocates program
at this website. |
League of Arizona Cities and Towns
1820 W. Washington St.
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Phone: 602-258-5786
Fax: 602-253-3874