Preparing for the Upcoming Legislative Session

The 2012 legislative session is rapidly approaching. The second regular session of Arizona's 50th Legislature is scheduled to commence on January 9, 2012. On that same day, Governor Brewer will deliver her State of the State address from the floor of the House of Representatives.

Throughout the session, the League will offer a full suite of services and publications to assist Arizona cities and towns in communicating more effectively with their legislative delegation and in monitoring issues that affect Arizona communities.

How to Become More Involved this Session

League Training

On Friday, January 20 at 9:00 a.m., the League will conduct a training session, "How to Build Relationships and Make an Impact at the State Capitol." There is no cost for the two-hour session, which will be held at the League's offices in Phoenix.

During this training, the League's legislative team will walk attendees through the legislative process and discuss strategies for building stronger relationships with legislators. Staff will also answer any questions you have about the legislative process and provide information on how you can make the most impact at the state capitol during the 2012 session. Click here for more information and to register.

Legislative Days

The League is prepared to help organize and facilitate a Legislative Day for your community. This represents an opportunity for local officials to discuss legislative issues over a private lunch with their representatives and senators. The League provides a convenient meeting space and catered lunch and can work with you on the meeting arrangements. Contact Dale Wiebusch at or 602-258-5786 to schedule your 2012 Legislative Day.

Municipal Policy Statement

The 2012 Municipal Policy Statement outlines the legislative priorities of the League for the upcoming session. It also includes a directory of legislators and the cities and towns they represent. You can access the statement online by clicking here.

Legislative Bulletin

Every week during the session, the League publishes its Legislative Bulletin, which summarizes developments with respect to bills of concern to municipalities. If you are not on our distribution list and would like to be added, please contact Dale Wiebusch at or 602-258-5786.

Town Halls

The League encourages municipalities to invite their delegations to participate in a local meeting to discuss legislative issues and priorities. Town hall meetings represent an excellent forum for your legislators to learn more about the issues affecting your community.

Your Voice at the Capitol

Each session the League staff prepares "Your Voice at the Capitol," which is a listing of state legislators by district, their contact information and the cities and towns they represent. To view "Your Voice at the Capitol" click here.

Weekly Teleconference

During the 2012 session, the League will initiate a weekly teleconference to update mayors, council members and managers on significant legislative developments. Details, including call-in information, will be transmitted prior to the first call in January.

League of Arizona Cities and Towns
1820 W. Washington St.
Phoenix, AZ  85007
Phone: 602-258-5786
Fax: 602-253-3874

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