Legislative Overview
Today is the 82nd day of session. Almost all activity was on the floor this week, as only a few committees heard executive nominations
or had presentations. Both chambers are clearing as many bills as possible and transferring them back to the house of origin or to the
governor's office. This pattern is usually a portent to the budget deliberation process.
To date 106 bills have passed, with 89 signed, and one vetoed, the cursive writing mandate.
SB1449, prohibited operations; unmanned aircraft
passed the House by a vote of 57-0 this week. Sponsored by Senator John Kavanagh (R - Fountain Hills) the bill sets forth various
regulations on unmanned aircraft, or "drones." The bill was amended in House Judiciary by the chair of that committee, Representative
Eddie Farnsworth (R- Gilbert) to remove many of the delineations of federal and state law and simply refer to current statute. There was
also a floor amendment in the House that clarified the ability of cities and towns to regulate drones in parks or preserves. The measure
does have penalties for inappropriate use of drones. The bill now returns to the Senate where the sponsor is expected to concur with the
House changes, and then the bill will go to a Final Read in the Senate.
Online Home-Sharing
SB1350, online homesharing administration; definitions,
allows for a city, town, or other taxing jurisdiction to levy a transaction privilege, sales, use or similar tax/fee on the business of
operating a online lodging marketplace such as Airbnb. The bill also prohibits municipalities from banning this type of short-term
housing rental; it is sponsored by Senator Debbie Lesko (R - Peoria). The League is continuing to engage in negotiations with the
proponents in order to reach a reasonable compromise on these issues, therefore the League is officially neutral. The League has made
significant progress toward ensuring cities and towns will still have the tools necessary to control undesirable activities such as
noise and nuisance violations, and we are rapidly approaching an equitable tax treatment solution. The sponsor continues to hold the
bill off the Rules committee agenda as work continues on the final language.
Legislative Bill Monitoring
(All bills being actively monitored by the League
can be found here.)
SB1449: S/E prohibited operations; unmanned aircraft
SB1350: S/E online homesharing; administration; definitions
SB1248: S/E pet store operators; dealers; regulations
HB2497: S/E equipment; permits; local governments
HB2391: municipalities; water rates; requirements
HB2538: municipal bonds; tax levy
SB1524: regulatory actions; limitations
HB2384: S/E: urbanized areas; incorporation
HB2076: annexation; single property owner; exception
Legislative Bulletin is published by the League of Arizona Cities and Towns.
Forward your comments or suggestions to league@azleague.org.